Self-employment success
Self-employment success

You can choose which of our first-class formats suits you best. Choose from avec, k kiosk, or Press & Books (at highly frequented locations, such as train stations, airports or petrol stations). Becoming a Valora partner will enable you to benefit from a successful business model that has been tried and tested over many years.

Operator model

A strong partnership for strong formats

Brighten up our customers' journey by becoming an avec, k kiosk or Press & Books partner.

avec - «Handmade with Love»
«Handmade with Love»
k kiosk - «Treat yourself»
«Treat yourself»
Press & Books - «Read and experience»
«Read and experience»

Small steps. Big opportunities. Find career happiness as a Valora entrepreneur.

Agency partner - Operator model
Take the road to self-employment

Have you always wanted to be self-employed and to run your own business? Valora’s agency model will help you get started as a selfemployed person.

Operator model

Agency partner - become a partner
Become a partner

Are you ready to start your journey as selfemployed partner? Now is the time to seize the opportunity. Follow our fast and easy application process.

Apply now

Agency partner - FAQ
Your questions answered

Taking the road to self-employment often raises many questions. So that your questions can be answered quickly and transparently, we have compiled answers to some of your most pressing questions.



Valora – small happiness on the move

Every day, some 15,000 employees in Valora's network are committed to bringing small happiness to people on the move with a comprehensive range of food convenience products - close, fast, convenient and fresh. Valora's 2,700 or so small outlets are located at high-frequency sites in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The company's brands include avec, k kiosk, Brezelkönig, BackWerk, Ditsch, Press & Books, Caffè Spettacolo and the popular own-brand ok.- as well as a steadily growing range of digital services. Valora also operates one of the world's leading producers of pretzel pastries and benefits from a highly integrated value chain in the baked goods sector.